Jackfruit, die pflanzliche Fleischalternative

Jackfruit - The plant-based meat alternative

Conscious and healthy nutrition?

Wherever possible, we avoid preservatives and additives in our products and use selected, high-quality ingredients.


  • The evergreen jackfruit tree belongs to the mulberry family and thrives in all tropical areas of the world.
  • The tree can grow up to 20 meters tall.
  • Thanks to its long roots, the tree supplies itself with groundwater and does not need artificial irrigation.
  • The fruit of the trees is known as jackfruit, but is still little or not at all widespread in Europe.
  • The fruits are a miracle of nature and can grow up to 1m long and weigh 50kg.
  • Depending on the degree of ripeness, the pulp is used as a vegetable or dessert.
  • Harvested and cooked as a young jackfruit, the fibrous, tasteless flesh is increasingly used as a meat substitute.
  • Essentially, the pulp and seeds of the fruit are used for a variety of applications.

Why is jackfruit so suitable for a healthy and conscious diet?

  • It has few carbohydrates – so few calories
  • It has a lot of fiber – therefore very filling
  • It has a high vitamin C, magnesium and potassium content
  • It has been proven to have a positive effect on diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and is also known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Our Kumaio® Organic Young Green Jackfruit pieces or plucked :

  • The Young Green Jackfruit comes from Sri Lanka.
  • This vegetable has been rooted in the culture of Sri Lanka for centuries.
  • The trees are distributed across the island in different climate zones and 99% are grown in so-called “home gardens” in mixed cultures (with bananas, coconuts, etc.). There are no monocultures.
  • Since our local partner harvests the fruit with his own trained pickers, we can always guarantee that only the fruits with the right degree of ripeness are processed.
  • Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals are completely avoided during cultivation.
  • The Kumaio® Young Green Jackfruit is tasteless and can be spiced to give it any flavor

Production conditions of Kumaio® Jackfruit:

  • Our partner in Sri Lanka is ISO 22000 and certified according to EU Organic & Fair TSA standards
  • The partner is organized as a family business.
  • We at Kumaio® are convinced that after a long search we have found the right partner to be able to offer the new super fruit, the Kumaio® Jackfruit, in the future.

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